Wednesday, August 16, 2006

Happy Birthday Dad/Grandpa

Happy Birthday Fifty - *cough cough* and still playing with toys. Here is a toy we would have liked to get you but then thought that you wouldn't want to have it in that cold IA weather. So instead we got a picture. What year is it?


Missy said...

Your Dad totally looks like my mom in that pic, head down, glasses hanging on for dear life at the end of the nose.

Mike and Annette said...

Missy, that is so funny! I was just going to ask if anyone noticed a resemblance between Mike and Grandma O. Like mother, like son?? I have vivid memories of Grandma looking at me over the tops of her glasses.

Chet and Gini said...

Here is Chet's guess - 1948 or 1952 Cadillac. As far as the picture of Mike Sr. goes... you ever notice that as kids are growing up they may look like one parent - and then the other, depending on which feature is growing at the time? When we were younger, I always thought Mike & I took after the Cushings and Mar & Jim took after the Oberts - but depending on the picture, I can see either one in each of us.

PS - I am getting tired of this word verification stuff. I understand the reason for it - but I can never see the letters!

Mike and Annette said...

Thanks for the note. Miss playing with my bud.

I believe it is a 1956 Caddy...

Mike Angie Patrick Aaron said...

Dad wins the cookie - its a '56. Thought he might get it because it is either the same year he had or one year off. I saw them renovate this one on the show "Overhaulin." It was a thing of beauty in the end. Just a pretty car.