Tuesday, August 01, 2006

First Day of Preschool

Patrick had his first day at San Tan Montessori today. I dropped him off at 8:15 and returned to get him at 11:45. I was able to run a couple errands and do some stuff at home. He did well I guess. When we ask him about his day he tells us that he played on the playground (went down the slide and rode the bikes). He also said he had pretzels and melon for snack. When asked what else he did he would either say "I don't know" or "I don't want to tell you." Ok, then. Although he did finally tell us tonight that Mr. Sippel (principal) told him to sit down. Hmm... Although Ms. Danielle said he did awesome. So we will see. At least there were no tears from him. I had a hard time even getting a good-bye. He took off and went into the room. There were numerous children who shed a few tears. Not our son though. He went in and came out smiling. He did say he had fun at school today.


Chet and Gini said...

I think that's a boy thing. I would ask the kids what happened in school, and they would say "nothing", but when I would talk to my friends who had daughters, they would have the day done to the last detail.

Missy said...

Sadie still only tells me about recess. How fun for you guys, I know Michelle can't wait for Sam to start! I like Patrick's t-shirt. Tell me the I saw the Cars at California Adventure last weekend. I'll find the picture and post it later.

Katy said...

Holy crap! I haven't checked your blog for a day and so much has happened!
All very cool.

Mike and Annette said...

OMiGoodness!!! So much has been going on!! Thanks for all the neat pictures. Our little guy is doing so many things now and seems to enjoy them all. I love his comment about 'not wanting to tell you'. If one of my boys said that I would be very nervous, it was never a good sign. The baseball game picture is wonderful.