Sunday, March 23, 2008

Look What the Easter Bunny Left Angie!

The old Pathfinder hit 201,000 miles last month. Mike was being very stubborn and believed that it would go another 100,000. The EB thought differently and believed it was time to trade up so he took the Pathfinder and left this in its place. Angie is very happy and is believing that she was very good this year.

Monday, March 17, 2008

11 Months Old

Aaron is 11 months old today. It's so amazing to watch his daily accomplishments. He is such an easy going baby compared to Patrick. He is so close to walking, he crawls, and climbs, pulls up on things, says words like "quack", "mama", "dada", "papa", "bubba", and "rock". Quack was actually his first word. He enjoys listening to Twisted Sister (thank you Papa!) and his favorite song is "I Wanna Rock!" He is learning to brush his teeth (he has 8!) and also brush his hair. It's so fun to watch him. He is such a joy! We love you baby!!

Saturday, March 15, 2008

The Boys & Their New Found Skils

Aaron has learned to walk behind things like his Gator with more stability. It's so amazing watching this transformation. Each time he tries he is more stable and there are less falls resulting in crying. He wants to walk so badly! He has also used a laundry basket with clothes in it to push and walk behind. It's so fun to watch him grow, but yet sad knowing that our baby is reaching these milestones that we'll never witness again as a "first."

Patrick had his training wheels removed from his bike TODAY! He is VERY excited to say the least. He's really doing rather well. The starting and stopping is a little shaky, but he gets better each time.

Saturday, March 08, 2008

Redneck Weddings

Has anyone watched this show? It is hilarious. Who mud wrestles in a wedding dress. How about mattress surfing. A recent one actually had a bride to be in tears because she couldn't find her teeth! Then her sister offered to have the bride borrow hers!

In all honesty, I think I have been to a few weddings like this.