Sunday, February 10, 2008


Ok, so FINALLY a post from Patrick's birthday. On Saturday, January 26th we had a party for his friends at the bowling alley. It was our first bowling experience. Ten friends joined him for some fun, pizza, cake and ice cream. They did a fairly nice job and we had little to do other than remind the kids to bowl. Patrick received some nice gifts and seemed to enjoy himself. Aaron did well - he napped on Nana most of the time. That was actually very nice so that Mike and I could pay more attention to the party.

Patrick and Sofia...
Majority of the guests to sing "Happy Birthday" to Patrick.
A Diego cake was chosen for the theme of this event of the day. It was yummy, but we had TOO much left over.
Good thing we asked for bumpers on both lanes. The funniest was watching how fast, or really how SLOW, the ball rolled down the lane. It was pretty funny! What great entertainment.

1 comment:

Mike and Annette said...

Nice form, Patrick. Keep working on it and soon you will be able to win a game against Grandma. Or even better, against Great Uncle Bernie!