Sunday, November 18, 2007

Flag Football ~ Fall 2007

Patrick decided to try his hand at flag football this season. He was on the Chiefs. Coach Larry did an awesome job with the boys. There were ten of them on the team. They were all 3-4 years old. They actually WON first place in the division. They do not play in the tournament at this level and there isn't a team trophy, but they had the best record. It was a lot of fun. Patrick was starting to get the hang of it. Some of his biggest problems were not running through and playing with his mouth guard. The boys seemed to spend more time chewing on them than having them in their mouths protecting their teeth.

Patrick will be playing again in the winter season, but unfortunately will not get to play for Larry as Larry moved up. Maybe next time around.


Chet and Gini said...

They even give them shirts with their names on them! If Carl or David had been in a sport that did that, there wouldn't have been any room left for the team logo!

Anonymous said...

Patrick, Awesome Job! I wish we could be there to watch you play. I know Joshua would love to see you. He wants to play football. We love & miss you! Love Aunt Linda xoxoxo

Mike and Annette said...

Great job, Patrick. You look like a young Brett Favre out there. We are so proud of you and hope you are having loads of fun playing football. Hope we can see you play sometime soon.