Saturday, November 11, 2006

Ch Ch Ch Changes

Where is the attention to detail? One week ago a slight change was made to this blog . . . didn't anyone catch it? (Those who have been told in person are disqualified).


Missy said...

I missed it - don't see it.

Missy said...

Wait Wait!!!! Congrats - I am so happy for you guys, I bet Patrick will be HUGE help!

Mike and Annette said...

Clever you guys. I almost missed it.

Rissa said...

Ah Congrats! I see it now.

Katy said...

I don't know what's worse, text messaging this news or sneaking it in your blog.
That's OK... I actually already guessed the news and with Mom being a horrible liar - I actually pretty much knew as much as someone can't know- without actually being told.

Obert Life is Good said...

Congradulations! Didn't you also change the background of the page???

sawbewitched said...

How great!! Congrats! I totally missed it until I read the post!