Tuesday, October 24, 2006

Back to Iowa

After our trip to Wisconsin, we returned for a few more days of visiting with Grandma and Grandpa O. Mike and Grandpa took a long bikeride (more of a contest of who can burn more calories) and Patrick played with play dough w/ both grandma and grandpa. Aunt Katy's dog, Olivia was there and really enjoyed the attention . . . and more attention paid to her by PCO. PCO took the dogs for a short walk up the block. Well Olivia took a walk . . . for Gracie, it was more of being taken for a drag. Patrick also helped Grandpa fly his dragon kite. It was fun and we were happy to see their new house. After that - it was back to AZ. Just in time too b/c it started to get cold and rainy on the day we left.


Chet and Gini said...

This trip will be the source of many great memories for all of you.

Mike and Annette said...

The time went by way to fast. I miss all of you. Patrick was so good with Gracie. He was a big help in taking care of her. It was the most excerise she had gotten in months, maybe years.

Katy said...
