Thursday, January 17, 2008

9 Months Old!

Aaron turns 9 months while battling a sinus infection and bronchitis. It's been a real fun week. But on a better note, he is beginning to show serious movements toward crawling. I think being sick has delayed it a little, which is probably ok (gives me a little more time). He also wants to walk all the time holding onto someone's hands. He's fun, although at times can be a bit challenging especially when sickness is involved! He loves to play Peek-a-Boo & has learned to wave!


Mike and Annette said...

Yea Aaron, Sorry to hear you have been so sick. Hope you are all better now. Let's get that crawling business going, OK?

Anonymous said...

Aaron you are growing up to fast. But I love that you are full of smiles. We Love you!

Katy said...

I wonder who anonymous is...