Saturday, December 09, 2006

A day at Yellowstone.

Remember me talking about those fond memories growing up camping. I thought it would be fun re-create one of those days here. These photos are of a day we had in Yellowstone in the early 70's.

We started the day by putting on our bell bottoms to go fishing for our food for the day:

Unfortunately, a bear chased us away:
So instead, we went for a hike. Where were were stalked by a group of shirtless hippies:

After all that excitement, it was nice to sit back in front of the fire with a smoke and s'mores:

As you can see camping was always an adventure in my family. More to come . . .


Anonymous said...

Wonder pics and story - you may of a future as a journal-ist

Missy said...

very cool.

Katy said...

I think you and I are on a similar wave-length lately.
I agree with Missy.
Very cool.

Katy said...

P.s. if that's me in that pic- I'd say that's late 70s

Mike and Annette said...

Very cute. I love the story. Thanks, it gave me a smile. and it is fun to see and hear another slant on what the pictures are all about. I miss those days and I hope you all can create these kind of memories for your familes. Lets all go camping this summer together and make more silly pictures.