Aaron is 11 months old today. It's so amazing to watch his daily accomplishments. He is such an easy going baby compared to Patrick. He is so close to walking, he crawls, and climbs, pulls up on things, says words like "quack", "mama", "dada", "papa", "bubba", and "rock". Quack was actually his first word. He enjoys listening to Twisted Sister (thank you Papa!) and his favorite song is "I Wanna Rock!" He is learning to brush his teeth (he has 8!) and also brush his hair. It's so fun to watch him. He is such a joy! We love you baby!!
That is a precious picture
Aaron one more month till your big day! What a sweet little boy you are. Can't wait to see you! We love you! Uncle Dan & Aunt Linda
Delightful picture. You are going to have lots of really fun times with those two boys. Different personalities means lots of different reactions to the same situations. Enjoy!
Love that face!
Love the photo
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