Patrick was a pirate for Halloween. I have to say that he was the BEST DRESSED Pirate. Thanks Grandma Obert for the great costume. He was able to trick or treat 3 different times. WAY too much candy. He took a Halloween class where they dressed up and then trick or treated from parent to parent at the end. When I took him to class he had the whole outfit on. When I arrived 1 1/2 hours later he had only the shirt, pants, and sash remaining. By the time we left the classroom only the pants and sash were still on. YIKES. The teacher was a little worried as the time went on. On Halloween Patrick trick or treated at Mike's office, then our neighborhood, and ended up hitting a few homes by Nana and Papa's house. He had a great time. He certainly was the best looking pirate around!
WQW, That is one handsome pirate.
Where is his Parrot?
How did I know that he was going to be a pirate? He is good lookin', love the stache/.
Sometimes I can't figure this blog stuff out - I know I posted a comment yester, but it's not here. Anyway - great costume. What a cutie! (Oops, pirates aren't supposed to be cute!)
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