Angie and I went to see REO Speedwagon last night. Don't get me wrong we had a really great time and it was a good concert but I had to make some observations that just made me laugh. You see, I saw REO 17 years ago at the Dodge County Fair in Wisconsin here are some of the differences and similarities between that concert and this one:
(a) In 1989 there were at least 80% of crowd with a stone wash denim jacket. I can honestly say that I didn't see any last night.
(b) Last nights crowd had 2% in attendance who were sporting a mullet hair cut - in 1989, 90% of us had them. (Yes - I admit I had one just see my cousin's site if you really want to see it, she keeps posting the same picture of by mullet. Everyone had them back them.)
(c) In 1989 - I was upset because no-one would sell me a beer. Last night I was upset because no-one would sell me more than 2 at a time.
(d) REO must have made a comeback sometime after 1989 - the sound system was better now but the voices have faded a little.
(e) Didn't all of REO's members used to have black hair? Now they are all blonde . . . I can't explain.
(f) Even though the 80's throw back crowd may have lost their stone wash jackets, they appearantly kept some of their other 80's clothes. Examples are (1) tight T-shirts with the gold cross worn on the outside; (2) camouflage pants with black belt sporting silver studs (female); (3) tight fitting black levi denim jeans; (4) tight fitting black levi's with holes up and down the sides of the legs; and (5) tight leather pants (worn by lead singer - made me wonder is there any age that putting on those leather pants just becomes too much to bother, 55? . . . 60?, . . . 65?).
(g) another cloting similarity - can someone explain why middle age people wear Hawaiian shirts to concerts, even when its not Jimmy Buffet? (No I wasn't wearing one but I am curious about the connection between REO and Hawaiian shirts)
(h) people are still smoking green cigarettes but the people smoking it are just a little older.
REO did put on a good show though. It was good people watching.